Links and Tools

1. Some useful Tools

A - Firebug

Firefox Addons includes Firebug. It is a great tool for analysing websites. Browse to any site, open Firebug in the tools menu of Firfox. Then you have available the following tools...

B - Web Developer

Firefox Addons also includes Web Developer. Which is a powerful tool to analyse any aspect of a web-site including validating the code, as well s analysing Cookies, Forms and personal Form data.

C - Developer toolbar

Internet Explorer 7 also has a Developer Toolbar, which works much like the Web Developer and Firebug toolbar. It includes validation tools and display of image dimensions.

2 - Some important Links

W3 Schools

This is the site where the standards are set and taught. Lessons from the people who really know on all aspects of making a web-site.

KompoZer Users guide

A link that you were provided with last week as extensive notes on using KompoZer.

Web-developer's Handbook

Lots of information and examples of special effects with CSS.

3 - Some great examples

CSS / Edge

A website with links to lessons and demonstrations about using CSS for some dramatic effects.

Pure CSS Popups

A site demonstrating and teaching about the use of CSS to create popups in menus

Pure CSS menus

A site demonstrating some menu effects using CSS.

Complex Spiral Demo

A simple site using CSS which achieves a dramatic effect and teaches how it is done.